Carter Observatory
National Observatory
Carter Observatory in 1941
National Library reference: Carter Observatory, Wellington. Evening post (Newspaper. 1865-2002) :Photographic negatives and prints of the Evening Post newspaper. Ref: PAColl-8557-19. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
The strong contrast between the Georgian Revival square red brick form and the large domes an observatory needs make this building architecturally interesting.
It was the National Observatory from 1940 until 2010. It’s now part of the Dominion Observatory Historic Area with two other observatories; the Dominion Observatory (1907) and the Thomas King Observatory (1912).
New Zealand’s first observatory was built for the Government Time Service, established in 1868. Located in Bolton Street cemetery, its purpose was to establish accurate time through fixing the position of the earth in relation to other ‘heavenly bodies.’ The Hector Observatory (1907) was established on the hill above the Botanic Gardens by Sir James Hector (1834-1907), the founder of the time service.
During the late 19th century public interest in astronomy grew and there were large audiences for public lectures. In 1896 Charles Rooking Carter left the residue of his estate (about £2000) as the nucleus of a fund for an observatory to be built in Wellington. Carter was a prominent contractor who built the Provincial Council Chambers and undertook many of Wellington’s early reclamations. He represented Wairarapa in the Provincial Council and the House of Representatives. The town of Carterton is named after him.
The bequest was administered by the Royal Society of New Zealand but it took another 30 years before the fund was large enough to start the project. Interest groups made representations to the government to begin work and the Carter Observatory Act was passed by Parliament in 1938.
The Carter bequest was to be spent on the new building, the Wellington City Council donated two telescopes it had housed in buildings near the Dominion Observatory, while staffing was to be funded and managed by the Government. Designs were prepared by architect William Gray Young and the building opened in 1941. It took over astronomical work from the Dominion Observatory (1907), which then became the centre of seismology.
The first director was Murray Geddes, who later died on active service in the Second World War. In 1967, a bequest from Ruth Crisp allowed the observatory to extend the library and install a new 41cm Boller and Chivens telescope in the south dome; this was later (1978) moved to the Black Birch observatory, south of Blenheim.
In 1977 the Carter Observatory Act was amended to recognise the observatory as the National Observatory. In 1982 a 15cm telescope was donated by the widow of broadcaster Peter Read and erected in the south dome.
In 1994 the New Zealand Historic Places Trust registered the area containing the three observatories as the Dominion Observatory Historic Area.
With light pollution from Wellington City making it difficult for the observatory to continue in its role, a 2005 investigation by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology found that it was no longer meeting the standards required for it to hold the title of ‘National Observatory.’ This title was finally removed in 2010. Later that year the observatory reopened as a public education institution.
Erect observatory 00056:253:B20915
Additions to observatory 00058:515:C25033
Additions and alterations to observatory 00059:481:E23166
Refurbishment of planetarium 00078:3182:202471
Occupation History
National Observatory
Carter Observatory Carter Observatory (as run by the Wellington Museums Trust)
Architectural Information
Building Classification(s)
Not assessed
William Gray Young was a prominent New Zealand architect with a fondness for the clean profiles of the Georgian Revival which can be seen, at its simplest, in the Carter Observatory. The building consists of an elegant brick podium, with projecting and receding bays and a flat roof that contrasts with the dominant spheres of two observatory chambers. Each projecting bay carries a central window, emphasising the internal focus of the building. Smaller windows, all multi-paned, are set into the side pavilions of the building. Detail on the facades is kept to a minimum, featuring exposed rain-water heads, a rendered plinth at ground level, and a simple cornice.
The construction of the Observatory is brick faced reinforced concrete on reinforced concrete foundations, while the window joinery is steel.
The observatory is located in the Dominion Observatory Historic Area (New Zealand Historic Places Trust) on reserve land next to the Botanical Gardens. Also included in the area are the Dominion Observatory (1907) and the Thomas King Observatory (1912). The hill upon which they stand overlooks Wellington to the east and the Botanical Gardens to the west and northwest. The westward positioning of the observatory means that it looks out over the Botanical Gardens and to the hills above Tinakori and Glenmore Roads.
Building Classification(s)
Cultural Value
Built in 1940, the Carter Observatory is architecturally interesting in that its style offers a contrast between the red brick, square styles favoured by Georgian Revival and the large domes required for an observatory.
The building has historical value in the role it has played as the National Observatory (1940-2010).
The building is part of the Dominion Observatory Historic Area (as registered by New Zealand Historic Places Trust) which contains two other historic observatories; the Dominion Observatory (1907) and the Thomas King Observatory (1912).
The building has retained a significant amount of original fabric and therefore has authenticity.
Aesthetic Value
Does the item have architectural or artistic value for characteristics that may include its design, style, era, form, scale, materials, colour, texture, patina of age, quality of space, craftsmanship, smells, and sounds?
The building has architectural value as it offers an interesting contrast between the Georgian Revival style (well balanced, square shapes and red brickwork) and the architecture required for an observatory (such as the domes of the observatory chambers).
Is the item part of a group of buildings, structures, or sites that taken together have coherence because of their age, history, style, scale, materials, or use?
The building is part of the Dominion Observatory Historic Area which contains two other historic observatory buildings, the Dominion Observatory (1907) and the Thomas King Observatory (1912).
Does the item have townscape value for the part it plays in defining a space or street; providing visual interest; its role as a landmark; or the contribution it makes to the character and sense of place of Wellington?
The building has townscape value as its location on the hillside means that it can be seen from many areas of the Botanical Gardens.
Historic Value
Is the item associated with an important person, group, or organisation?
The building is associated, through name, with Charles Rooking Carter, an early Wellington businessman who left a bequest towards the construction of an observatory. The building was also the site of the National Observatory up until 2010.
- Scientific Value close
Social Value
Identity/Sense of place/Continuity
Is the item a focus of community, regional, or national identity? Does the item contribute to sense of place or continuity?
Since the building was once the national observatory it has contributed to the identity of New Zealand’s astronomers and continues in this role as an educational facility.
Public Esteem
Is the item held in high public esteem?
The building is held in high public esteem.
Level of Cultural Heritage Significance
Does the item have authenticity or integrity because it retains significant fabric from the time of its construction or from later periods when important additions or modifications were carried out?
The building has retained a significant amount of original fabric, therefore it has authenticity.
Is the item rare, unique, unusual, seminal, influential, or outstanding?
The building is unique as it belongs to a group of three historic observatories which are located within close proximity to each other.
Is the item important for any of the above characteristics at a local, regional, national, or international level?
Because it was once the National Observatory the building is important on a national as well as local level.
Local / Regional / National / International Importance
Not assessed
Aesthetic Value
Site Detail
District Plan Number
17/ 268
Legal Description
Lot 1 DP 74620
Heritage New Zealand Listed
2/Historic Place 3596, Dominion Observatory Historic Area
Archaeological Site
Risk unknown
Current Uses
Former Uses
Has building been funded
Funding Amount
Not applicable
Earthquake Prone Status
SR Completed
Additional Information
External Website
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Summary of telescope acquisitions and movements from the Carter Observatory Information Sheet.
- Irvine-Smith, F.L. The Streets of My City. Wellington: A.H. and A.W. Reed, 1967.
- Knox, R., New Zealand’s Heritage, Vol.4. Wellington: Paul Hamlyn Ltd and Whitcombe and Tombs, 1971.
- McKenzie, J. ‘Dominion Observatory Precinct, Wellington.’ New Zealand Historic Places Trust. 1984.
- New Zealand Historic Places Trust. ‘Carter Observatory.’ Accessed 10 September 2012.
- New Zealand Historic Places Trust. ‘Dominion Observatory Historic Area.’ Accessed 1 October 2012.
- New Zealand Historic Places Trust, Professional Biographies. ‘William Gray Young.’ Accessed 10 September 2012.
- Wellington City Council. “Salamanca Road Dominion Observatory. ” Wellington Heritage Building Inventory 2001: Non-Residential Buildings. Wellington City Council, 2001. SALA2.
- Archives: ‘42 Salamanca Road, erect observatory.’ 16 September 1940. 00056:253:B2091
- Technical Documentation close
Not available
Last updated: 6/29/2017 10:46:16 PM