Dominion Observatory

Hector Observatory

34 Salamanca Road, Kelburn, Wellington
  • Constructed


  • Builder(s)


  • An Edwardian Baroque-style public building. It’s notable for its octagonal tower, its elegant classical proportions and its ornamentation.

    Built for the Government Time Service, it kept our official time from 1907 until 1992. The site has recorded earthquakes since the 1920s and continues to do so.

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  • close History
    • The Dominion Observatory was erected for the Government Time Service, originally established in 1868 when standard time was established for the entire country. At that time the observatory was called Hector Observatory after Sir James Hector (1834-1907), the founder of the time service, the director from 1869-1903 and the man dubbed the ‘Father’ of New Zealand science. Hector was, at various times, Director of the Colonial Museum, Colonial Laboratory and Geological Survey.

      The first observatory was located in the Bolton Street cemetery reserve, not far from the Colonial Museum complex behind Parliament Buildings. With the expanding cemetery threatening the observatory’s existence Hector instructed that the new observatory be built on the hill above the Botanic Gardens. The Wellington Botanic Gardens Vesting Act 1891 allowed the city council to vest the land in the government’s hands. The building was designed by John Campbell, Government Architect, in his typical Edwardian Baroque style and built in 1907.

      The building became responsible for seismology and, after 1940, when the Carter Observatory was built this became the building’s primary function. The name was changed to the Dominion Observatory in 1925, the same year that the observatory was incorporated into the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR). There has been just one substantial addition to the building, an extension to the west in 1926. Many prominent New Zealand scientists have worked at the Dominion Observatory including Dr. Charles Edward Adams (1870-1945) and Robert Cecil Hayes (1900-1977). The building remains the centre of seismology in New Zealand.

      In 1994 the New Zealand Historic Places Trust registered the area containing the three observatories (the Meteorological Office, Carter Observatory, and the Dominion Observatory) as the Dominion Observatory Historic Area. Below the building lies the magazines of the old Garden Battery built in 1886 as part of the fortifications erected in the four main ports after the second Russian Scare of 1885.

    • Modifications close
      • 1907
      • Construction
      • 1926
      • West extension
    • Occupation History close
      • 1907
      • Hector Observatory
      • 1925
      • Dominion Observatory Dominion Observatory (as part of Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
  • close Architectural Information
    • Building Classification(s) close

      Not assessed

    • Architecture close

      The Dominion Observatory is a pleasant Edwardian Baroque style building, originally designed as a pavilion of one storey capped by an octagonal tower. Although Edwardian Baroque was the signature style of its designer, Government Architect John Campbell, it has also been suggested that the style was chosen to establish similarities between the Dominion Observatory and England’s Royal Observatory (designed by Christopher Wren in 1675).

      The Dominion Observatory originally consisted of a transit room, and an octagonal clock room with an office above, forming the tower. It was augmented by an addition to the western side in 1925 which added a further pavilion. Both the original building and new wing were constructed of load-bearing brick masonry on concrete foundations. The facades consist of regular, double-hung windows, each framed by a Gibbs surround - that is, alternating square bands which have the appearance of intermittent quoins. These bands are rendered in plaster. The corners have smaller quoins in plaster, and there is a plastered base to the building. The observatory is capped by a simple cornice and shallow parapet.

      The alternating cladding of brick and plaster has been effectively exploited to give the facade textural interest. The octagonal tower is the centrepiece of the Observatory and features an ornamental band of plasterwork at eaves level.

    • Materials close


    • Setting close

      The building is located in the Dominion Observatory Historic Area (as listed by the Historic Places Trust), next to the Botanical Gardens on reserve land. Also included in the area are the Carter Observatory (1941) and the Thomas King Observatory (1912). The hill upon which they stand overlooks Wellington to the east and the Botanical Gardens to the west and northwest. Below the building lies the magazines of the old Garden Battery, built in 1886 as part of the fortifications erected in the four main ports after the second Russian Scare of 1885.

      The nearby Meteorological Office (1968), although not included in the designation of the NZHPT historic area, is another nearby scientific institution set within the same demise of reserve land.

  • close Cultural Value

    The Dominion Observatory is good representative example of an Edwardian Baroque-style public building designed by the Government Architect, John Campbell. It is notable for its prominent octagonal tower, and for its elegant Classical proportions and ornamentation scheme.

    The Dominion Observatory was erected for the Government Time Service in 1907, has been used since the 1920s for recording seismological activities. The site has historic significance for the adjoining remains of the Garden Battery.

    The building is part of the Dominion Observatory Historic Area (as registered by New Zealand Historic Places Trust) which contains two other historic observatories; the Carter Observatory (1940) and the Thomas King Observatory (1912).

    • Aesthetic Value close
      • Architectural

        Does the item have architectural or artistic value for characteristics that may include its design, style, era, form, scale, materials, colour, texture, patina of age, quality of space, craftsmanship, smells, and sounds?

        The Dominion Observatory is good representative example of an Edwardian Baroque-style public building designed by the Government Architect, John Campbell. It is notable for its prominent octagonal tower, and for its elegant Classical proportions and ornamentation scheme.

      • Group

        Is the item part of a group of buildings, structures, or sites that taken together have coherence because of their age, history, style, scale, materials, or use?

        The Dominion Observatory is part of a group of nearby scientific buildings and military fortification that include the Thomas King Observatory (1912), the Carter Observatory (1940), the Meteorological Office (1968), and the former Gardens Battery (1886). The New Zealand Historic Places Trust have recognised this relationship of the scientific and early military buildings and designated Dominion Observatory Historic Area, which includes all but the 1968 Meteorological Office building.

      • Townscape

        Does the item have townscape value for the part it plays in defining a space or street; providing visual interest; its role as a landmark; or the contribution it makes to the character and sense of place of Wellington?

        The building has townscape value for its prominent position on a ridgeline within Wellington’s Botanic Gardens.

    • Historic Value close
      • Association

        Is the item associated with an important person, group, or organisation?

        The building is associated with famous New Zealand scientists such as Sir James Hector, Dr. Charles Edward Adams and Robert Cecil Hayes. It is also associated with organisations such as the Government Time Service and the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.

      • Association

        Is the item associated with an important historic event, theme, pattern, phase, or activity?

        The Dominion Observatory was erected for the Government Time Service in 1907, and the Time Service itself had been established in 1868 when a standard time was established throughout New Zealand. The building has been used since the 1920s for recording seismological activities, a very important function in an earthquake prone country. The site has historic significance for the adjoining remains of the Garden Battery (currently partly in use in association with the seismographic recording).

    • Scientific Value close
      • Archaeological

        Does the item have archaeological value for its ability to provide scientific information about past human activity?

        The building is located in the Central City archaeological site reference NZAA R27/270.

      • Educational

        Does the item have educational value for what it can demonstrate about aspects of the past?

        The building has educational value as it offers an insight into how observatories were designed during the early twentieth century.

      • Technological

        Does the item have technological value for its innovative or important construction methods or use of materials?

        The building has technical values associated not only with its masonry construction, but also with the extant observatory dome and other associated items of scientific equipment.

    • Social Value close
      • Identity/Sense of place/Continuity

        Is the item a focus of community, regional, or national identity? Does the item contribute to sense of place or continuity?

        The building has had few intrusive modern alterations or repairs and contributes to the sense of place and continuity of Wellington’s Botanic Gardens.

    • Level of Cultural Heritage Significance close
      • Authentic

        Does the item have authenticity or integrity because it retains significant fabric from the time of its construction or from later periods when important additions or modifications were carried out?

        Although additions were made in 1925 the building has retained a significant amount of its original fabric.

      • Rare

        Is the item rare, unique, unusual, seminal, influential, or outstanding?

        The building part of a unique group of historic, early twentieth century observatories located on reserve land adjacent to Wellington’s Botanic Gardens.

      • Local/Regional/National/International

        Is the item important for any of the above characteristics at a local, regional, national, or international level?

        The building is important on a national level as it was once the Dominion Observatory, the site of the Government Time Service and since 1920s it has been a centre of seismological research in New Zealand.

    • Local / Regional / National / International Importance close

      Not assessed

  • close Site Detail
    • District Plan Number

      17/ 269

    • Legal Description

      Sec 1223 Town of Wellington

    • Heritage New Zealand Listed

      1/Historic Place 4700, Dominion Observatory Historic Area

    • Archaeological Site

      Central City NZAA R27/270

    • Current Uses


    • Former Uses


    • Has building been funded


    • Funding Amount

      Not applicable

    • Earthquake Prone Status

      124 Notice

  • close Additional Information
    • Sources close
      • Department of Conservation. ‘Dominion Observatory.’ Accessed 11 September 2012.
      • New Zealand Historic Places Trust. ‘Dominion Observatory Historic Area.’ Accessed 10 September 2012.
      • New Zealand Historic Places Trust. ‘Recommendation for registration: Dominion Observatory Historic Area.’
      • New Zealand Historic Places Trust Professional Biographies. ‘John Campbell.’ Accessed 10 September 2012.
      • Wellington City Council. “Salamanca Road Dominion Observatory.” Wellington Heritage Building Inventory 2001: Non-Residential Buildings. Wellington City Council, 2001. SALA3.
      • Wellington City Council. ‘Dominion Observatory heritage assessment.’ Unpublished report prepared for Wellington City Council. File no. 1041-06-SAL32. Wellington City Council Records.Criteria for assessing cultural heritage significance
    • Technical Documentation close
    • Footnotes close

      Not available

Last updated: 11/23/2016 9:27:14 PM