5a St Mary Street, 5b St Mary Street
1870 - 1890
These cottages have architectural value as a representative of a simple Italianate design. The style, type of construction, and materials are representative of typical workers dwellings of the day.
These cottages have townscape value due to their position with the other workers dwellings in Thorndon. They are prominent due to their position above smaller cottages on a rise.
These cottages are an important part of the local community and make a contribution to the wider setting of Thorndon. They contribute significantly to the sense of place and continuity in the Thorndon area.
The three cottages that make up 5a, 5b, and 5c St Mary Street are fine examples of the kind of home that was constructed for the working classes during the later part of the nineteenth century.
Thorndon is one of New Zealand’s oldest residential suburbs and due to the difficult Wellington topography has architecture and streetscapes that are not found around other parts of New Zealand. The social divisions of the nineteenth century can be seen in the workers cottages that are found on the steep slopes and the large villas on the flat land. This division, the materials, design, and scale of the surviving houses in the area give an insight into how the people of early Wellington lived and worked.
These three cottages, constructed some time in the 1870s, clearly show the early pattern of settlement and housing. The narrow frontages and side boundaries, and the high density of the development, are representative features of early worker’s dwellings throughout Wellington. These three cottages are an important group as they are matching buildings. They typify the scale and design of worker’s domestic buildings of inner city Wellington during the mid-Victorian period and are notable as a group rather than as individual houses.
The cottages are designed in a simplified version of the Italianate style with classically proportioned openings, symmetry, and round headed upper windows with keystones. The addition of the verandah is a typically New Zealand modification of the style. The design of the cottages is a common style for the period and locality, and they possess a particular charm and character that makes them a significant element of the townscape in Thorndon.
(original plans cannot be accessed)
Original construction
5B St Mary Street, dwelling additions and alterations (00059:469:E22732)
5A St Mary Street, dwelling, amendment (00078:1666:29745)
5C St Mary Street, renovations to existing dwelling (00078:405:57432)
5B St Mary Street, Partial Re-pile of building (00078:3357:209235)
Occupation History
Not assessed
Architectural Information
Building Classification(s)
Not assessed
The cottages are designed in a simplified version of the Italianate style with classically proportioned openings, symmetry, and round headed upper windows with keystones. The addition of the verandah is a typically New Zealand modification of the style. The design of the cottages is a common style for the period and locality, and they possess a particular charm and character that makes them a significant element of the townscape in Thorndon.
Rusticated timber weatherboard
Timber joinery
Corrugated iron roofing
These three cottages are found in Thorndon and are closely associated with the early settlement of the area. They are a significant element of the streetscape as they are situated on a rise above other smaller cottages.
Building Classification(s)
Cultural Value
These cottages have architectural value as a representative of a simple Italianate design. The style, type of construction, and materials are representative of typical workers dwellings of the day.
These cottages have townscape value due to their position with the other workers dwellings in Thorndon. They are prominent due to their position above smaller cottages on a rise.
These cottages are an important part of the local community and make a contribution to the wider setting of Thorndon. They contribute significantly to the sense of place and continuity in the Thorndon area.
Aesthetic Value
Does the item have architectural or artistic value for characteristics that may include its design, style, era, form, scale, materials, colour, texture, patina of age, quality of space, craftsmanship, smells, and sounds?
These cottages have architectural value as a representative of a simple Italianate design. The style, type of construction, and materials are representative of typical workers dwellings of the day.
Is the item part of a group of buildings, structures, or sites that taken together have coherence because of their age, history, style, scale, materials, or use?
This house is an important element in the historic area of Thorndon and the wider Wellington area and has high group value with the many other domestic buildings of the era in Thorndon.
Does the item have townscape value for the part it plays in defining a space or street; providing visual interest; its role as a landmark; or the contribution it makes to the character and sense of place of Wellington?
These cottages have townscape value due to their position with the other workers dwellings in Thorndon. They are prominent due to their position above smaller cottages on a rise.
- Historic Value close
Scientific Value
Does the item have archaeological value for its ability to provide scientific information about past human activity?
These cottages were constructed pre 1900 in an area known to have pre 1900 human activity associated with it. The risk of accidental discovery is unknown, but possible.
Social Value
Identity Sense Of Place Continuity
Is the item a focus of community, regional, or national identity? Does the item contribute to sense of place or continuity?
These cottages are an important part of the local community and make a contribution to the wider setting of Thorndon. They contribute significantly to the sense of place and continuity in the Thorndon area.
Level of Cultural Heritage Significance
Does the item have authenticity or integrity because it retains significant fabric from the time of its construction or from later periods when important additions or modifications were carried out?
These cottages have few listed modifications and retain a relatively authentic quality. They have authenticity of style, craftsmanship, materials, and setting.
Local Regional National International
Is the item important for any of the above characteristics at a local, regional, national, or international level?
These cottages are locally significant for their architectural, townscape, and group values, their historic associations, their archaeological and technical values, and their authenticity.
Is the item a good example of the class it represents?
These cottages are good representatives of an Italianate influenced workers cottage, built in materials and using techniques common to the period. They have had modest and representative histories for residential buildings.
Local / Regional / National / International Importance
Not assessed
Aesthetic Value
Site Detail
District Plan Number
17/ 265
Legal Description
Lot 8, 9, 10, 11 DP 376
Heritage New Zealand Listed
Not Listed
Archaeological Site
Pre 1900 Buildings
Current Uses
Former Uses
Has building been funded
Funding Amount
Not applicable
Earthquake Prone Status
Outside Earthquake Prone Policy
Additional Information
- Ormsby, Louise. ‘The Historic Context and Heritage Values of Thorndon.’ Report prepared for Wellington City Council. August 2009.
- Wellington City Council. ‘Three Cottages – 5a, 5b, 5c St Mary Street’. Wellington Built Heritage Inventory 1995. Wellington City Council 1995.
- 1991 5B St Mary Street, dwelling additions and alterations (00059:469:E22732)
- 1997 5A St Mary Street, dwelling, amendment (00078:1666:29745)
- 1999 5C St Mary Street, renovations to existing dwelling (00078:405:57432)
- 2010 5B St Mary Street, Partial Re-pile of building (00078:3357:209235)
- Alexander Turnbull Library
- Thorndon, Wellington, includes houses in St Mary Street. Ref: 1/2-052479-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
- Technical Documentation close
Not available
Last updated: 8/30/2018 4:46:39 AM