This house is a good example of a modest single storey villa and is a surviving representative of the early 20th century Workers Dwelling Act housing scheme.
The house is of modest townscape value, it is well sited above the bend in the Terrace, with ample sun and views. The front garden has mature trees, so that the house is largely hidden from public view.
These houses are representative of the Worker’s Dwelling Act. The Act was a part of significant social legislation passed by the Liberal Government during its long period in power (1893-1912).
Between 1893 and 1912, the Liberal Government passed significant social engineering legislation. Among this was the first central government initiative to provide mass housing, prompted by the difficulties that New Zealand workers faced in finding decent housing or meeting costly rentals.
The Worker’s Dwelling Act was passed in 1905 with the aim of building 5000 houses. Land in the four main centres was purchased and a competition was held, to which the major architects of the day were asked to contribute designs. In all, 34 of 150 submitted entries were chosen and work began in 1906. Progress was slow and by 1910 only 126 houses had been built. By 1919 when the legislation was replaced, and a new scheme instituted, only 657 houses had been built.
During the early phase of the scheme, land had been purchased in Newtown and 12 houses were built, among them designs by Woburn Temple, an architect then working for the Labour Department. He produced designs for two storey and single storey villas, and the latter were constructed at 3 and 7 Seddon Street.
The first tenant of this house was John Black, a compositor, and the occupant with the longest tenure was Henry Ashby, described as a proof reader, from 1914 to 1938. In 1929 the Government sold the house to Ashby. Ashby sold the house to Albert Nicholls, a hairdresser, in 1938 and he on sold it two years later to Edward Price, a waterside worker. Price lived there until his death in 1956 and for the next 23 years the Public Trust leased the house to tenants. In 1979 Boris Halama, a computer programmer from Sydney, bought the house, and in 1987 he and his wife Tania sold the house to Judith Geare, who remains the owner.
(original plans)
1, 3, 5 and 7 Seddon Terrace, four dwellings (00053:141:7842)
3 Seddon Terrace, wash-house (00053:190:10460)
3 Seddon Terrace, dwelling alterations (00059:299:E17689)
3 Seddon Terrace, repairs to drains (00060:22:883)
Occupation History
Not assessed
Architectural Information
Building Classification(s)
Not assessed
The house at 3 Seddon Terrace is a modest single storey villa. It has a central front door sheltered by a prominent central porch. The porch has open timberwork, a pedimented roof, and is supported on two posts coming well forward of the front wall of the house. On either side there is a pair of double hung windows.
The hipped roof has now been replaced with a stainless steel flue. The exterior cladding, indeed the structural material of the walls, is cast in-situ concrete; it is well detailed, with timber facings and cornice to the top of the walls, and weatherboards to the recessed walls of the porch.
The house is well sited above the bend in the Terrace, with ample sun and views. The front garden has mature trees, to that the house is largely hidden from public view. Its neighbours are a mix of single and two storey houses of a similar age, which combine to make a precinct of some interest.
Building Classification(s)
Cultural Value
This house is a good example of a modest single storey villa and is a surviving representative of the early 20th century Workers Dwelling Act housing scheme.
The house is of modest townscape value, it is well sited above the bend in the Terrace, with ample sun and views. The front garden has mature trees, so that the house is largely hidden from public view.
These houses are representative of the Worker’s Dwelling Act. The Act was a part of significant social legislation passed by the Liberal Government during its long period in power (1893-1912).
Aesthetic Value
Does the item have architectural or artistic value for characteristics that may include its design, style, era, form, scale, materials, colour, texture, patina of age, quality of space, craftsmanship, smells, and sounds?
This house is a good example of a modest single storey villa and is a surviving representative of the early 20th century Workers Dwelling Act housing scheme.
Is the item part of a group of buildings, structures, or sites that taken together have coherence because of their age, history, style, scale, materials, or use?
This house is one of a group constructed on Seddon Terrace and Coromandel Streets for the Workers Dwelling Act. Its neighbours are a mix of single and two storey houses of a similar age, which combine to make a precinct of some interest.
Does the item have townscape value for the part it plays in defining a space or street; providing visual interest; its role as a landmark; or the contribution it makes to the character and sense of place of Wellington?
The house is of modest townscape value, it is well sited above the bend in the Terrace, with ample sun and views. The front garden has mature trees, so that the house is largely hidden from public view.
- Historic Value close
Scientific Value
Does the item have archaeological value for its ability to provide scientific information about past human activity?
These houses are in an area known to be associated with pre-1900 human activity.
Does the item have educational value for what it can demonstrate about aspects of the past?
These houses are of educational value for the place that they have in the story of welfare and social development in New Zealand – they illustrate the intentions of the Liberal Government in passing the Worker’s Dwelling Act.
Does the item have technological value for its innovative or important construction methods or use of materials?
These houses have important technical value as examples of design and construction techniques from the early 20th century.
Social Value
Not assessed
Level of Cultural Heritage Significance
Does the item have authenticity or integrity because it retains significant fabric from the time of its construction or from later periods when important additions or modifications were carried out?
These houses have significant exterior authenticity as they have had few modifications or alterations made other than the removal of the chimneys.
Local Regional National International
Is the item important for any of the above characteristics at a local, regional, national, or international level?
As representatives of the first attempt at state housing in New Zealand these houses are of national importance for their historic value, group value, and authenticity, and of local importance for their contribution to the townscape.
Is the item a good example of the class it represents?
These houses are representative of the houses constructed under the Worker’s Dwelling Act, and of the designs and construction techniques of the time.
Local / Regional / National / International Importance
Not assessed
Aesthetic Value
Site Detail
District Plan Number
6/ 270
Legal Description
SBDN 11 Section 817 Town of Wellington
Heritage New Zealand Listed
2/ 1392
Archaeological Site
Current Uses
Former Uses
Has building been funded
Funding Amount
Not applicable
Earthquake Prone Status
Not Earthquake Prone
Additional Information
- Wellington City Council. Heritage Building Inventory 2001. Wellington City Council 2001.
- NZ: CT WN409/161
- 1907 1, 3, 5 and 7 Seddon Terrace, four dwellings (00053:141:7842)
- 1917 3 Seddon Terrace, wash-house (00053:190:10460)
- 1989 3 Seddon Terrace, dwelling alterations (00059:299:E17689)
- 1993 3 Seddon Terrace, repairs to drains (00060:22:883)Criteria for assessing cultural heritage significance
Technical Documentation
Not available
Not available
Last updated: 9/26/2016 11:41:21 PM